What is Tooth Extraction?
Tooth extraction is a vital dental procedure in which a tooth is removed from its socket in the jawbone. While it may sound painful, teeth removal is a typically straightforward procedure when performed by an expert dentist or oral surgeon – like the ones we have here at The Dental Abode.
Our highly experienced team puts preservation first and will only ever carry out a tooth extraction as a last resort. Whatever the extent of the damage is, we’ll make sure all other avenues are explored first, such as fillings, root canal procedures, or dental crowns and bridges.
There are several reasons why you might need a tooth extracted, including:
- Severe decay
- Advanced gum disease
- A fractured tooth that cannot be repaired
- Extreme crowding in the mouth
- Issues surrounding wisdom teeth
If you would like more information on our teeth extractions, including wisdom teeth, please get in touch today for a consultation.
The Dental Abode’s Approach
Before anything starts, you’ll receive an initial consultation from one of our tooth extraction specialists. Here we will assess your case and create a tailored treatment plan. On the day of the procedure, your dentist will numb the area around the tooth with a local anaesthetic to minimise pain and discomfort. The tooth is then loosened using an instrument called an elevator and then removed using forceps.
After the tooth is extracted, the area may be sore for a few days. Not to worry as your dentist will provide helpful instructions to prevent further pain and encourage the healing process. If recommended during your consultation, you could replace your extracted tooth with a bridge, denture, or implant to help bring back your perfect smile.
Prices start at £115
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